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Hairy Dragonfly

Small Wolf Spider ( Lycosa pullata)

Caterpillar of the Elephant Hawk Moth (Deilephila elpenor)

Seven Spot Ladybird

Bumblebees in flight. (multi layered image).

Mating Damselflies.

Cinnabar Moth Caterpillars on Ragwort.

Common Hawker Dragonfly

Drone Fly in mid flight.

Four Spotted Dragonfly just after emerging from Nymph skin.

Common Blue damselfly in mid flight

Red Admiral Butterfly
Banded Demoiselle

Drone Fly in Flight

Four Spotted Chaser Dragonfly

Poplar Hawk-moth.

Red Ant

Common Hawker Dragonfly in mid flight.

Garden Spider

Bumblebee in mid flight.

Bumblebee approaching a Vetch flower

Soldier Beetle

Female Wolf Spider protecting her young.

Azure Damselfly

German Wasp in mid flight.

Brown Hawker Dragonfly

Emerald Damselfly in mid flight.

Broad Nosed Weevil

An Orb Web Spider

Elephant Hawk Moth


Pale Tussock Moth

Blue Damselfly

Oak Beauty Moth.

Great Water Diving Beetle

Green Veined White Butterfly in mid flight.

The compound eyes of a fly.

Ichneumon Wasp sizing up a sawfly larvae.

Green Dock Leaf Beetle

Four Spotted Chaser Dragonfly in flight

Four Spotted Chaser Dragonfly

Azure Damselfly compound eyes

Red Admiral Butterfly on rotten windfall apples.

Hawthorn Fly or St. Mark's Fly

Speckled Wood Butterfly

Narrow Bordered 5 Spot Burnet Moth

Zebra Jumping Spider

Horse Fly or Cleg biting into human skin.

Meadow Grasshopper

Common Hawker Dragonfly in flight.

Red Ant

Feathered Thorn Moth (Colotois pennaria) and a mighty Oak Tree.

Banded Demoiselle Damselfly (male)

Nymph of The Four Spotted Chaser Dragonfly.

Brown Hawker Dragonfly laying her eggs in damp soil.

Common Hawker Dragonfly in mid flight.

Banded Demoiselle Damselfly (female)

German Wasp

Horse Fly or Cleg

Bumblebees in flight. (multi layered image).

Green Veined White Butterfly in mid flight.

Hawthorn Shield Bug

Insect life from the undergrowth.

Peacock Butterfly on Knapweed

Carder Bee

A Reed Beetle

Hairy Dragonfly layng eggs.

Green Leafhopper

Red Admiral butterfly on a rotten windfall apple.

Hawthorn Fly or St. Mark's Fly

Bluebells and Bumblebee

Bumblebee on Creeping Buttercup

Meadow Grasshopper

14 Spot Ladybirds mating.

Cellar Spider
Orb Web Spider
Common Darter Dragonfly (male)

The Marmalade Fly

Small Tortoiseshell Butterfly in flight

Honey Bee collecting nectar from bramble

Poplar Hawkmoth in mid flight.

Poplar Hawkmoth in mid flight.



Earth Worm

Four Spotted Chaser Dragonfly in mid flight.

White Ermine Moth.

Orb Web Spider

Carder Bees in mid flight.

Green Veined White Butterfly in mid flight.

Insect life from the undergrowth.

Leafhopper juvenile

Hairy Dragonfly laying eggs in pond plants.

Horse Fly compound eyes

Green Veined White Butterfly on Water Mint

Hawthorn Fly or St. Mark's Fly

Silver Washed Fritillary on Watermint.

Bumblebee approach flight to Vetch.

Oak Eggar Moth.

Mosquito in mid flight.

Green Veined White Butterfly in flight

Four Spotted Chaser Dragonfly

Ringlet Butterfly

Hatching Mayfly

Black Snake Millipede

A species from the bacchini family of hoverflies

Hawthorn Shield Bug

Insect life from the undergrowth.

Hedgerow Insect nectar feeding.

Snipe Fly

Compound eyes of the Four Spotted Chaser Dragonfly

Peacock Butterfly on Knapweed.

Bumblebee on Creeping Buttercup

Zebra Jumping Spider

Ichneumon Wasp

The Silver Y Moth

Common Blue Damselfly in flight

Red Admiral Butterfly

Wolf Spider

Hedgerow Insect on Knapweed

Four Spotted Chaser Dragonfly

Brown Hawker Dragonfly in flight

Zebra Jumping Spider

Wasp's nest

Green Veined White Butterfly in flight.

Grasshopper (mid leap)

Seven Spot Ladybird

Drinker Moth Caterpillar

Wolf Spider

Peacock Butterfly on Knapweed

Red Ant

Ringlet Butterfly

Silver Washed Fritillary


Common Hawker Dragonfly in mid flight.

Common Hawker Dragonfly

Garden Spider Web

Hairy Caterpillar

Wolf Spider

Zebra Jumping Spider

Brown Hawker Dragonfly

Painted Lady Butterfly on Knapweed

Forest Shield Bug

Banded Demoiselle Damselfly

Common Darter Dragonfly

Female Common Hawker Dragonfly searching for suitable plants in which to lay her eggs.

Honey Bee returning to the Swarm.

Zebra Jumping Spider

Brown Hawker Dragonfly

Forest Shield Bug

Emperor Moth

Elephant Hawkmoth Caterpillar

Honey Bee collecting nectar.

Zebra Jumping Spider

Ichneumon Wasp

Cockchafer Beetle

Four Spotted Chaser Dragonfly freshly hatched.

Ichneumon Wasp

Cockchafer Beetle

Peacock Butterfly

Hairy Dragonflies mating
A pair of Hairy Dragonflies in the mating position

Orange Tip Butterfly in flight

Black Snake Millipede

White Ermine Moth

Ichneumon Wasp


Drinker Moth Caterpillar on a Cuckoo Flower

Four Spotted Chaser Dragonflies

Leafhopper magnified 5 times.

Speckled Wood Butterfly in flight.

Bumblebee in mid flight.

Green Leafhopper

Grey Dagger Moth caterpillar

Honey Bee Swarm

Bumblebee in mid flight.

Blue Tailed damselfly in flight

Four Spotted Chaser Dragonfly approach flight.

Emerald Damselfly in flight

Forest Shield Bug

Silver Washed Butterfly on Knapweed

Emerald Damselfly in flight

Spider's silken web

Common Hawker Dragonfly

Orb Web Spider

Orb Web Spider's web.

Orb Web Spider's web.

Orb Web Spider

Soldier Beetle in flight

Small Tortoiseshell Butterfly in flight.

Narrow Bordered 5 Spot Burnet Moth

Narrow Bordered 5 Spot Burnet Moth